3 Types of Depression

3 Types of Depression | Transcend Texas

Depression is not an easy thing to diagnose properly. There are a multitude of websites out there that think they have the right definition. Sites like WebMD says depression is a sadness and that depression is a “treatable medical condition.” This way of defining depression doesn’t even begin to explain what it really is. They also don’t mention that depression can be divided into three different categories. The 3 types of depression are depressive reactions, depressive disorders, and depressive diseases.

Depressive reactions occur when the mental shutdown happens. Closing yourself off and retreating to a sort of isolation is a depressive reaction.

Depressive disorders happen when there are additional circumstances. On top of the “shutdown,” certain other character traits come into the picture. There is an emotional and psychological block, causing dysfunction and other mental issues.

Depressive diseases are the far extremes of depression. This is when the shutdown gets to a level that can’t be explained in the most basic of psychological terms. The symptoms of the state, make you become very resistant to changing. The end result leads to a deep melancholic depression.

For more about the 3 types of depression visit Psychology Today HERE


Drum Circles Improve Depression

Drum Circles Help Depression

We’ve all wondered about these other methods that are used to help combat depression. Some work quite well, while others tend to blur the lines of kooky. There has been something though that has been used for many centuries as a healing tool, drum circles. It sounds strange but, it’s true and according to the cultures it has derived from, it works wonders. Musical therapy works, but this is a different kind of therapy.

Being a part of something like a drum circle has a way of pulling you out of your shell or dark corner and into the light. There are other parts to a drum circle that can help as well. The dancing aspect is something that can elevate the positive in yourself. The act of letting your guard down will in turn help to let the positive things in. Beating the drum in rhythm is a great way to release stress and anger. Banging on the drum as an expression of your frustration is very healing and therapeutic, just like hitting a punching bag does. Only with the drum there is a sort of spiritual sense to it that is uplifting and can help to relieve your depression bit by bit.

For more information on how drum circles work for depression visit Psychology Today HERE

Using Your Senses To Help Depression

Using your senses to fight depression | Transcend Texas

When you are suffering with depression, the mind is not as able to see things in a positive light. If you are depressed you know things are not alright, and have constant thoughts that things will work out in the end. Depressed minds get stuck in cyclical patterns of hopeless and helpless thinking, which makes it hard to find the way out and figure out what might happen next. The focus is on the dark, dull and negative images of life.

When you are suffering through depression, you know the sense of darkness and dismal outlook that sits with you each and every day. Being depressed also has a feeling of being restricting. It’s as though you just can’t quite get to things that are positive, introspective, bright and new. Here are a few ways that working to enhance your senses while suffering through depression might help you get through it.

Be Active: Being physical can actually help you get out of a funk. Exercise, sports, bike riding, hiking, etc, these sort of things pump endorphin’s into your brain and help energize you.

Taste: Experiment with different foods. Raise your curiosity level of different spices and food. Take a chance on something you’ve been wanting to try for a while. The excitement of this can help to bring you out of your depressed shell.

Listening: Engross yourself in music. Make time to listen to things that make you feel good and think of happier times. Go to a concert and hear it live. The feeling of being around other fans can help you to have a connection to the music and other people struggling with the same problems as you.

Smell: Take time to smell the roses and all that nature has to offer. Open up your sense of smell with aromas that are soothing.

Sight: Take in art, sunsets, films, and other things that can make you think. These sorts of things can help incite some creativity into another form of therapy for your depression.

For more on using your senses to help with depression visit Psychology Today, HERE.