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How to Live a Sober Life in Houston

Houston can be a beautiful place. Founded in the early 19th century, it’s the most populous city in the state of Texas, and it has a rich history to show for it. Alongside its Texan heritage, Houston boasts one of the world’s greatest medical and research facilities, and is home to the historic NASA Mission Control Center. Everything this wonderful city has to offer makes sober life in Houston a good time.

But beyond its diverse and thriving streets, Houston is also home to controversy and its fair share of pain. It’s known as a significant area for drugs and human trafficking, due to its economy, population and proximity to major drug exporters. In turn, the addiction treatment community in Houston is hard at work to help the city deal with the effects of drugs, both to individuals and communities to promote recovery and sober life in Houston.

For individuals, getting away from drugs and alcohol can be tough – not just in Houston. The nightlife in any major city is dominated by drinks and cocktails, and Houston is no exception. As beautiful and exciting as it may be, many newcomers to sober life in Houston struggle to find ways to spend time and have fun without getting involved with the temptations of the nightlife.

Thankfully, there’s plenty to do in town while sober. And with a little help, you can rediscover Houston and see it in a whole new light – and learn to truly enjoy and appreciate the perks of living life in sobriety.


Find Things To Do: Sober Life In Houston

Golf, bowling, softball, dancing – there’s no shortage in sober life in Houston activities for residents. Regardless of whether you like sports or love more laid-back activities, there are plenty of events and meetups across the city where alcohol is either a rare sight or completely forbidden.

All you must do is find them. And that’s where the Internet becomes very handy.

The Internet is first and foremost a communications and information tool. Through it, people all over the world can exchange valuable data, or talk endlessly about the mundane. Conspiracy theories, cat videos and political commentary all find their home online, alongside anything else you can imagine, from illegal drugs and passport forgeries to old Michael Jackson music videos.

It’s also an amazing place to meet people and find new activities. Social media like Facebook, and search engines like Google have worked hard to transform our relationship not just with other people, but with technology and the way it integrates into our lives. Convenience is the ultimate selling point of any new tech, and the convenience of discovering every pizza place in a ten-mile radius of your current nightclub has been a game changer for many.

Through Facebook, you can find new local groups, and search by location to find others dedicating themselves to maintaining a sober life in Houston. Websites like make it easier than ever for groups to organize events and recruit new potential members. And through the many countless sobriety blogs, you can find commenters from all backgrounds and walks of life.

It’s not just about finding places with sober people. It’s about finding places where you can have fun. Try and go to a language school for a language you like. Find workshops for things you haven’t tried yet, but are interested in. Take a few woodworking lessons. Go to a self-defense class. Hang out in coffee shops and develop a taste for a good cup of joe, or a perfectly-steeped cup of tea.

Beyond just looking for things to do, finding people to do things with is just as important. Friends matter, not just to pass the time and enjoy life, but as support. It’s hard to appreciate others when you’re struggling with addiction. Not only does addiction take away a lot of depth and perspective from life, but it leads to a feeling of self-loathing and hatred, making it hard to understand why anyone would want to hang out with you, or even like you.

In your sober life in Houston, you can slowly return to that sense of being comfortable in your own skin. And with that comes a newfound appreciation for the people around you.


Explore The City Of Houston

Have you seen all that Houston has to offer? Even if you’ve spent all your life living in Space City, there’s always a little something to see, both new and old. Take your time to work through the many different facets of Houston in your spare time, and you may be surprised at what you’d find.

Ultimately, the city itself isn’t that important. It’s the experiences you come across and the people you meet who become the real treasures of exploration. By being spontaneous and having a look through every little neighborhood for things to do and places to see, you may come across moments in life you would never otherwise have had the chance to experience. That is what sober life in Houston is about: keeping your eyes open to wonderful variety of life, even in your own backyard.


Remember: Having Fun Without Drugs Or Alcohol Can Be Easy

Live life, and discover what you like and don’t like. People are born and wander through life all the way to their graves without experiencing more than the tiniest fraction of what life could have been like.
With drugs, your life is dominated by the cycle. Without drugs, once you’ve made it past the initial hurdles, life can open to you – but that’s all wasted if you don’t take chances and consider that life can be a lot more fun sober than high. Men’s sober living and women’s sober living programs in Houston can help you take that step towards sobriety.


If you or someone you know is struggling with staying sober, contact us today to see how we can help: 877-394-8810