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Resisting Drinking Socially

When you come out of a treatment center, there are always those around you that think you’ll be fine just hanging out like you used to. Yet those friends don’t quite understand that being around these situations could act as a trigger to revert back to old ways.

Restraint is something that is a much needed coping mechanism to help deter one from falling down that old path again. Resisting drinking socially, is quite hard once you are out of recovery, especially when all you want to do is be with your friends.  Putting your best interests in front of others is key to staying sober. Sobriety first. If the situations are making you uncomfortable maybe it’s not the right time to be there.

Perhaps if you plan on going out to a party for the evening, you bring your own non-alcoholic beverages. Most people who are hosting parties will be perfectly fine with that. Find other people around at the party that are doing something else besides drinking. Start playing a game with others to keep you busy and entertained. Some people there will want to try and delve into why you are now sober. You don’t have to answer that question, as it’s none of their business.

There might come a time when you are more than comfortable talking about your journey to being sober. Other times, not so much. The only thing you can do is what feels best for you. Maintain relationships with those around you that make you feel comfortable and respect your decisions.  It’s perfectly fine to be a little apprehensive about going out with others. Trust your instincts and keep company with those that can help you keep you in check.

For more on how to deal with these situations read more on The Fix HERE