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6 Ways to Help Your Recovery in Houston

If you’re in the city of Houston, then you’ll know that there’s really no shortage of things to do and places to check out without sipping so much as a drop of alcohol. However, if you’re coming from a life of reckless drinking or regular drug use, then there’s probably a lot you haven’t had a look at in a while – or ever. Houston is full of opportunities of sober adventures to help your recovery in Houston if you know where to look.

And it’s important to have some adventure, especially during recovery in Houston. People make the mistake of thinking that sober living is just boring, bland and meaningless. In contrast, it’s the absolute opposite. It’s about experiencing the radiance of life without any of the fog brought about by a high. This isn’t about sitting around in a circle crocheting (although there’s nothing wrong with that if it’s what you’re into) – it’s about making new discoveries, meeting new people and finding new hobbies, all while being 100% yourself during your recovery in Houston.

If you’re struggling to find new things to do during your recovery in Houston, here are 6 ideas.


Find Friends In Houston

Houston is a big place, with a population of over 2 million – making it the most populous city in the state of Texas, and one of the best places in Texas for meeting new people and discovering new sights during your recovery in Houston. There are a couple ways to go about that.

The most obvious in our day and age is through the Internet. Like any major city, Houston went digital a few years ago – you can get around, find restaurants and seek out events all through the palm of your hand. You can also find new friends through online meetup apps and websites, which let you sort through potential group meetups by interest, and check into local groups on social media websites to ask around for hangout spots and make new buddies.

Or you can go the old-fashioned route, and just go straight to where the people are. Head out into a city district of your choosing, and talk to people at local sports clubs, theaters, or community centers. Either way, finding people to enjoy sober life with can be helpful for recovery in Houston.


Hang Out In Cafes

If you loved bar-hopping, drinking in the atmosphere of loud clubs and quiet lounges, then opt for the sober alternative – cafes. They come in all shapes and sizes, and many go through great lengths to set themselves apart from the regular old Starbucks down the block. If you love coffee, tea, or baked goods, make it your new mission to discover your favorite little caffeinated book reading spot in the city while enjoying recovery in Houston.


Check Into A Gym

Exercise does an excellent job at working off stress and keeping addiction at bay, while helping your recovery in Houston from the effects of addiction – and it also provides you with a great excuse to make new friends, set personal goals, and make massive physical changes to your body and the way you feel.

You don’t have to go to a strength gym or pop into Planet Fitness and spend an hour on the treadmill – you can join other clubs or classes geared towards a fitness choice of your own, from yoga to football to karate, and everything in between.


Volunteer At A Houston Charity

There are several charities and volunteer spots in Houston who regularly look for people available to help, whether that means helping cook at soup kitchens or distributing blankets among the poor.

Not only do you make a difference in someone’s day, but you get to feel like you’re doing a little to give back to the city, and give back to others.

The Houston region is still dealing with the aftermath of flooding from earlier this year in some places – donating to local organizations and lending a hand at reconstruction efforts can also go a long way to making a change.


Check Out A Sobriety Community For Your Recovery In Houston

There are plenty of Houston sober living and sobriety communities looking for people who struggle to stay sober, and need the help with recovery in Houston. This is especially true for people straight out of rehab, who often struggle to deal with all the new challenges of sober living, and need a little help getting back into the rhythm of living life without drugs or alcohol.


Go On A Houston Adventure

Houston and the surrounding area has plenty of adventurous outdoor activities for groups, families and friends. If you’re not the outdoorsy type, then this obviously isn’t an option for you – but if you don’t mind doing a little exploring and like to take the time now and again to rediscover nature, then you might be surprised what Houston has to offer in that regard.

There are plenty of things to do and places to see that aren’t mentioned here at all. It’s all up to you to head out there and give life a chance – and see what comes around for you to be discovered during your recovery in Houston. If you’re the more cautious type, there are plenty of online resources that are perfect not just for tourists, but for long-time Houstonians looking for a new adventure or a potential treat.

You really don’t need alcohol to have a good time. In fact, in all of these cases, alcohol will just make your experience much worse.