Recovery Words of Wisdom to Live By

Recovery Words of Wisdom to Live By | Transcend Texas

When you first enter recovery, it seems as though you’re standing in the epicenter of the world’s biggest mess. Not only is everything in your life off balance, but you hate everything too. It’s a very confusing and frustrating time — with all the built up anger you have towards the world and your loved ones, and being resistant to recovery and a skeptic as to how/why it works. Everyone is also way too enthusiastic with their “recovery mantras”! Of course, after you’ve put in some hard-earned work into the days, weeks and months, the same words of sober wisdom you heard upon entering recovery, begins to resonate with you.

As Beth Leipholtz, contributor writer for The Fix, recalls: “I found myself leaning on them for support, reminding myself of them daily and even repeating them to newcomers. They suddenly made sense to me, as sobriety became something I worked toward rather than against. But my favorite thing about these sayings are that they don’t just apply to sobriety — they apply to my life on a daily basis.”

Here’s a list of the seven truest sayings in recovery:

  1. Strive for progress, not perfection.
  2. Nothing changes if nothing changes.
  3. No matter where I go, there I am.
  4. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired.
  5. Easy does it.
  6. Live life on life’s terms.
  7. One day at a time.

Click here to continue reading about what they’ve meant for Leipholtz’s sobriety journey.

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